
The 15th Annual More Music @ The Moore Looking for Auditions and Sign-Ups


The 15th Annual More Music contest is seeking exceptional musicians between the ages of 14-21 to audition for More Music @ The Moore. Selected musicians/groups will perform in two shows at The Moore Theatre on May 6, 2016, learn from music industry leaders, and work with world-class drummer, percussionist, and all around notable Music Director, Sheila E.

More Music @ The Moore is a young artist development program for selected young musicians representing diverse music genres. The program provides young artists training and rehearsal time with professional musicians, production and promotional support, and the opportunity to perform at a professional venue, The Moore Theatre. Artists are selected through an audition process.

ALL music styles welcome! Bring your rock, gospel, hip-hop, world, traditional, jazz, folk, metal, and more! Those interested in a music career and that have original works are encouraged to audition!

More Music @ The Moore will be streamed live to sick children and teens in hospitals by non-profit organization Melodic Caring Project, one of STG’s valued community partners.

For more info and to sign up for an audition visit Stgpresents.org/education/more-music. Sign up no later than January 25, 2016.

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