
The Music Book Band Interviews – Critical Sun, Alabaster, Wishlist Foundation

The Music BookYou may or may not know that my second book, The Music Book, is out this fall. It’s a book set within the Seattle music scene, real bands and real music wrapped in a fictional narrative. I hope you’ll check it out, but even if you don’t, I hope you’ll check out the music that inspired me to write it. There’s so much great music happening in this city, and I’ve been lucky to write about it, to experience it. So we’re releasing a CD of the music from the book, The Music Book CD. Critical Sun Recordings is working with my publisher, Booktrope, to make that happen.

And we’re making it a charitable endeavor.

Profits from the sale of the CD will be donated to the Wishlist Foundation, a Pearl Jam fan nonprofit, grassroots 501(c)(3) fan organization dedicated to supporting Pearl Jam’s charitable and philanthropic efforts. It’s a win-win. Some great bands get more exposure, and a great charity gets a little financial support, and so with the book done and only just made available on Amazon, the CD is in its final stages and should be available in physical and downloadable formats by late October. More details on that soon.

Wishlist Foundation

On to the interview…

In addition to the CD, I’ll be bringing bands from the book into the Critical Sun Studio for interviews and special live performances. It’s called the Dave Music Show, and first up with that is Alabaster.

Alabaster in Critical Sun StudioAlabaster was a band I saw in the right moment. They got under my skin, thus, and stayed there long enough to make it into my book. And having made it there, hopefully a few readers will appreciate what they did. I say “did” because the band called it quits last year, but that’s OK. Good music should live beyond the life of the band. When we’re 80 and in the retirement home or hospice, we should put on the old CDs and LPs and MP3s and rock out so that maybe near the end of my days, I’ll play Alabaster’s track from The Music Book CD, a track called “Hit the Ground Running,” and in those days as the morphine drip works its way into my system, I’ll sing along with the line that captured me in that first moment, that first night I saw Alabaster at the King Cat Theater.

“I can’t feel anything anymore.”

Good stuff.

The Music Book CD will contain music from these bands:

Star Anna
The Missionary Position
Furniture Girls
The Slants
In Cahoots
Christa Says Yay!
Third Stone
The Jesus Rehab
Julia Massey and the Fiver-Finger Discount
Like Lightning
and one track that I’ve done with Stacey Meyer of Furniture Girls.

Next week, we’ll have The Missionary Position in the Critical Sun Studio for the Dave Music Show. That will be awesome.

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