
Jake E. Lee’s Red Dragon Cartel show cancelled over visa kerfuffle

Ex-Ozzy Osbourne and Badlands guitar legend Jake E Lee and his new project Jake E Lee’s Red Dragon Cartel– who play El Corazon in Seattle on June 19 — are embroiled in controversy with their European bookers Metal Music Bookings.

The band’s June 8 show at the Slade Rooms in Wolverhampton was cancelled according to Red Dragon Cartel’s and Metal Music Bookings Facebook pages.

Both parties blame the other for the cancellation.

From Metal Music Bookings –

Regrettably the Jake E Lee Red Dragon Cartel show in Wolverhampton was cancelled tonight because of the actions of Jake E Lee and his entourage and due to a serious visa irregularity with his tour party. A solution was offered to Jake which would have allowed the show to go ahead, but he refused.

Jake E Lee’s American girlfriend is in the UK on a tourist visa but has been working in London and Nottingham shows, helping to sell merchandise and stating that she has taken over management of the band from the previous management company. Neither of these is permitted on a tourist visa.

The show could not go ahead under these circumstances as it is a criminal offence for a US citizen to work in the UK without the correct visa. Allowing the shows to go ahead with her working would have put the Metal Music Bookings and the promoters in contravention of UK law. When she was asked to leave the premises she and Jake E Lee refused.

Metal Music Bookings works hard to ensure that concerts go ahead as planned. However we cannot be held responsible for the actions and decisions of the artist or the artist’s entourage.

From Red Dragon Cartel-

Total fucking joke. The red Dragon cartel sincerely apologizes. This decision was made by a completely unreasonable, immature, unprofessional booking agent. — at The Slade Rooms

red dragon jake e lee


Jake E Lee and the Red Dragon Cartel swoop into Seattle on Thursday, June 19th at El Corazon. The all-ages show, bar with ID, starts at 7 p.m. Tickets are $20 in advance, $25 day of show. For more information visit http://www.elcorazonseattle.com/.

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