
Jaime Wyatt Brings the Bang-Bang to her Northwest roots

Jaime 600Northwest-born and raised currently residing in Los Angeles singer-songwriter/guitarist Jaime Wyatt, with her rhythm section The Bang Bang’s, are hitting the road, previewing material from their forthcoming full-length, and allowing Wyatt to return to her Northwest roots. “I’m so happy to be coming home for these shows. The scenery, the people, the food and especially the coffee remind of me being a kid and growing up in the most beautiful place in the world“, says Wyatt about the northwest shows.

Tour Dates:
7/11/14 – Vagabond Brewing – Salem, OR
7/12/14 – Bend Summer Fest – Bend, OR
7/15/14 – River City Saloon – Hood River, OR
7/18/14 – 1-5 North – Yakima, WA
7/19/14 – The Vogue – Chelan, WA
7/20/14 – Strawberry Festival – Vashon, WA
7/21/14 – El Corazon – Seattle, WA
7/24/14 – Doug Fir Lounge – Portland, OR
7/26/14 – Vintage Wine Bar – Redding, CA

About bringing her new band to her home turf, “On this Homecoming tour, my northwest friends and family get to see me play with my LA band, which has become a unit and vehicle for these new songs!”

OFFICIAL WEBSITE: http://www.jaimewyatt.com
BANDCAMP: http://jaimewyattmusic.bandcamp.com

Currently in the studio with Mark Howard, finishing up the forthcoming full-length, due out in the fall of 2014, Wyatt is thrilled have such a gifted – and notable – producer by her side.

“It’s definitely a dream come true,” exclaims Wyatt. “When I heard Lucinda Williams’ album World Without Tears, I knew there was a special environment and energy being curated. There are performances on the album, which are superior. There’s a tamed chaos that Mark was able to pull out of those players, an energy I have long-since desired on my recordings.”

Her friend Gregory Butler introduced Wyatt to Howard, and the two stayed in touch until the time was right for them to work together.

“My longtime writing partner Gregory Butler worked with Mark Howard in England, at Peter Gabriel’s studio and he always said we’d be great together. So he made the introduction and Mark and I stayed in touch until the time was right,” recalls Wyatt. “I sent iPhone recordings and played some songs for Mark and we started making a list. At that point in time, I had written a lot of stories I am proud to sing about. I’ve got songs, which empathize and empower. So if there was ever a right moment, this is it.”

Amongst the tracks taking flight are “Come Home for December,” written for her sister battling heroin addiction, revealing their story of growing up together, loving reggae, and being bad kids. Also, an anthem for all the black sheep outcasts in “I Wanna Be Your Girl,” a track expressing a need for second chances in “Even You,” and for the kids with limited means making something out of nothing with what they can, “Heavy Metal Love.”

Of the songs, Howard states, “The one thing that struck me about Jaime was that she comes from the same place where Emmylou Harris and Lucinda Williams comes from. She has that same soul in her voice and her writing is up to that same greatness. She will be one of the next great singer-songwriters to follow in their footsteps.”

Her new record is being recorded at her home, something Howard is well-known for, capturing the magic in a home environment, most notably on Tom Waits’ Real Gone.

The album, and Wyatt’s catalog, all tell the stories of heartbreak and redemption, delivered by a voice that is both rich and magnetic. Comparisons are frequently drawn to Chrissie Hynde, Stevie Nicks, and at times she has been anointed a female Tom Petty. Wyatt is a dynamic performer, dually noted as a powerhouse singer and stellar guitar player, sailing between vintage 60’s and 70’s rock ‘n roll anthems and heartfelt ballads of love and confusion.

Originally discovered by Skip Williamson of LA indie label Lakeshore Records while still living in her hometown of Tacoma, Washington, she signed her first recording contract at 17. Her Lakeshore Records self-titled EP was produced by Pete Droge, and delivered a windfall with each and every song receiving placement in a major motion picture or soundtrack, some of which included Wicker Park, Midnight Meat Train, and Feast of Love.

The track “Lightswitch” became a hit at college and indie radio in the U.S., alongside A.M. stations across the European continent. Tiffany, of 80′s pop radio fame, covered her composition “Mind Candy” on her album Just Me. Last year, a song Wyatt penned with Pete Droge and Elaine Summers was featured on ABC’s hit TV show Nashville.

Wyatt is a prolific songwriter and musician who maintains a busy writing and touring schedule. She released two EPs with the group American Bloomers, and last year released a full-length album as a member of the female Americana trio Calico.

Now, she looks forward to previewing her new songs for her Northwest fans, as she readies for the album’s release.

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