
Duff McKagan Joins Alice in Chains on Stage for Nutshell and More in Spokane

Alice In Chains photo  courtesy of Mike Savoia

Alice In Chains photo courtesy of Mike Savoia

Thanks to our good friend Mike Savoia for capturing this moment.

Duff McKagan joins Alice in Chains onstage in Spokane on July 22, for “Nutshell” in a rare small club performance at the Knitting Factory.  Watch video below.
iPhone6 video/photos by “Iron” Mike Savoia – For more AIC live photos visit: https://www.facebook.com/SavoiaPhotographyLive

Alice in Chains also had Duff join them on “Man in the Box”. Check out JDK376 video from the crowd: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=auzd5P-kvng
Check out AIC Tour Dates: http://www.facebook.com/aliceinchains

Also, check out “Iron Mike’s” photo album of opening band The Pink Slips featuring Duff’s daughter Grace McKagan.  See that HERE

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