
Afraid Of Figs; Caught between Rock and a Hard Drive! “The Northwest Music Scene takes on Microsoft”

Here at the Northwest Music Scene we were taught to choose our battles carefully, but we don’t think we could have been more careful about picking this fight. What’s the worst that could happen right? And we promise you, this one could only happen in Seattle!
“The Northwest Music Scene takes on Microsoft”

“Afraid Of Figs” are currently embroiled in a hotly contested Battle of the Geek Bands, vying with “The Baudboys” of Microsoft to nab the wildcard spot and open up for The Presidents of the USA in Seattle at the Seattle Interactive Conference.

Looking closely at the contest we noticed a few things that may be working against our buddies in Afraid Of Figs.

Geekwire has a tab for Microsoft on their page and it might be sending the message that they are endorsing the Microsoft hometeam “The Baudboys”.

We also noticed that Geekwire has helped Microsoft musicians “The Baudboys” with the some press recently and we felt it was a little unfair to the guys in “Afraid Of Figs”, so the question of how we can help level the playing field arose.

Of course since we have a massive social network, we’ve seen the AOF band a few times and we’ve chatted with some of the members on Facebook and the phone, we knew what we had to do. Roll up our sleeves and get the vibrant Northwest Music Scene involved.

Let’s make it clear, we are not calling anyone out here, we’re just trying to assemble the troops and do our part to help.

Also, let’s keep it real…Geekwire has updated us with an article they did on Afraid Of Figs in March, so, our apologies for not catching that in the beginning.

Afraid Of Figs is far from hard rock but certainly even further from the Geek A Capella genre that is apparently catching on…who knew?

So far AOF has held their own in the contest (as of publication, the standings were 564 – 541 votes in favor of The Baudboys)and it has been a back and forth race but tomorrow(the last day for voting) will be quite interesting with the almost certain deluge that is coming when the Microsoft parking lot is full.

“We asked John Cook co-founder of Geekwire if Northwest Music Scene rockers “Afraid Of Figs” really have a chance against the “The Baudboys” of Microsoft?”

John’s response:

“This has been a close battle, and we’re closely monitoring the action to see who emerges as the victor. May the best band — or a capella group — win.”

Just to re-cap, here’s some of our original article from yesterday:

If you are a reader of the Northwest Music Scene website or a follower on Facebook or Twitter(If you’re not, you should be) you no doubt have heard the name “Afraid Of Figs“. They have been regulars on our Northwest Top 5 chart and were one of the bands featured in the “22 Bands in 22 Days” series that we recently ran.

One of the most-anticipated activities at next month’s Seattle Interactive Conference will be opening night’s Battle of the Geek Bands, a fast-paced competition in which five bands from the tech industry take to the stage at the Showbox Sodo.

Now, here’s the deal: Four of the bands have already been chosen by the SIC committee from a pool of more than 30 entries. That leaves one opening slot.

GeekWire readers will have the last word between the two final contenders: Afraid of Figs and The Baudboys.

We have voted and AOF gets our vote. The Baudboys are made up of current or former Microsoft employees so our buddies in AOF really need your support.

Watch the videos, and cast your vote for your favorite(AOF) in the poll below.

Voting will take place through Monday, October 24th at 5 p.m. at which point SIC will announce the five finalists, including the wild-card, community-supported entry chosen here.

Bands will take the stage November 1st, performing at the Showbox Sodo in front of an illustrious judging panel that includes Sir Mix-A-Lot; Chris Ballew and Jason Finn of the Presidents of the United States of America;



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