
75 Bands in 75 Days – Day 6: Dead Soft

75 - 75


Ladies and gentlemen, welcome, welcome, to 75 Bands in 75 Days, where we bring you the best talent that the Pacific Northwest has to offer, one day and one band at a time. Today we’re heading north to the largest city in British Columbia to explore the outings of alternative rock band Dead Soft.

Dead Soft is a rock band from Vancouver, British Columbia, whom has been releasing music since 2011. Their sound is a very accessible blend of ’90s alternative rock and noise rock, with maybe a little bit of grunge thrown in, albeit older, dingier, less arena-friendly grunge music. Fans of artists like MudhoneyGreen River and Skin Yard will probably get just as much mileage out of this band’s music as fans of bands like Sonic YouthPixies and R.E.M.

Dead Soft has released two EPs and one full-length debut since their inception. Their latest release, the self-titled full-length Dead Soft, is a short, but entertaining rock record with a hefty amount of variation and punch to it, with a handful of standout tracks. If you’re a fan of abrasive rock bands from the 1990’s and are looking to relive a bit of that era of rock, consider checking out Dead Soft.

Check out the band’s material here.

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