
50 Bands in 50 Days – Day 36: Ghost Pains


Ladies and gents, welcome back to 50 Bands in 50 Days, where we’re turning you onto your new favorite bands out of the Pacific Northwest, one day and one band at a time. This daily feature is brought to you by GigTown. Today we’d like to turn your attention over to Ghost Pains, one of the most singular bands you’ll come across in Seattle.

Ghost Pains

Formed in 2013, Ghost Pains are a four-piece rock band with a sound that’s pretty unique to their region. Though the band’s sound could easily be classified as anything from indie to alternative to garage rock, listening through their debut full-length LP, Building Mountains, you can hear pretty clear, tasteful callbacks to bands like The Smiths, The Replacements, and even early Modest Mouse.

Building Mountains is an 8-track album that takes its time and doesn’t reveal too much to the listener on a first go around. It’s an album that begs to be listened through several times to fully take in its scope and beauty. Ghost Pains are a must-listen, for sure.

For Fans of: The Smiths, The Cult, The Replacements

You can follow Ghost Pains on Facebook and Twitter, and sample their music below.

 photo Cherry Poppin Daddies 280_zpspibhrtre.jpg

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